OU Engineering Hosts Science Olympiad

The University of Oklahoma Gallogly College of Engineering hosted around 400 students from Oklahoma and Texas Jan. 27th for an invitational Science Olympiad Tournament. The tournament consisted of 23 events classified into four event types: core knowledge, build, laboratory/hands-on and hybrid. 

A sampling of event titles and descriptions follow:
  • Anatomy & Physiology: Participants were assessed on their understanding of the anatomy and physiology for the human Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, and Excretory systems. 

  • Chemistry Lab: Teams completed tasks and answered a series of questions involving the scientific processes of chemistry focused in the areas of Periodicity and Equilibrium. 

  • Geologic Mapping: Teams demonstrated understanding in the construction and use of topographic maps, geologic maps, and cross sections, and their use in forming interpretations regarding subsurface structures and past depositional environments on Earth and other planetary bodies.

  • Flight: Prior to the tournament, teams constructed, collected data on test flights, analyzed and optimized a free flight rubber-powered aircraft to achieve maximum time aloft. 

  • Robot Tour: Teams designed, built, programmed and tested one robotic vehicle to navigate a track to reach a target in a set amount of time as accurately and efficiently as possible. 
A concluding awards ceremony was held in the Oklahoma Memorial Union ballroom where winning students were given first, second and third place medals to reward them for their efforts.

Students and faculty from across the engineering college served as volunteers, event supervisors, proctors and tour guides alongside volunteers from across the state.  

Chris Dalton, Associate Professor of Practice in the OU School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, participated in Science Olympiads when he was growing up. “Science Olympiad was very impactful for me as a middle and high schooler in choosing a future career; the opportunity to engage with these STEM topics in more depth and have fun with science and engineering was my favorite part of high school, and I have fond memories of participating in tournaments as a student.  I have also enjoyed the opportunity to support Science Olympiad as an event supervisor; I am truly privileged to be able to support the next generation of engineers and scientists through this program.”

Gallogly College of Engineering Dean John Klier said, “I am excited that our college hosted this event as it planted the seeds of possibility in the minds of many of these young students. I am hopeful many of them will return to campus to become an OU engineer.”

Science Olympiad is a national organization that invites middle and high school students to participate in a variety of science, engineering and technology events that include completing tests, running experiments, and building devices.

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