OU Engineering Freshmen Shine at 2021 AT&T Summer Bridge Program

Students (starting second from left) Diego Perez Avendano, Harrison Dean, Brandon Aparicio and Raymond Conner receive the 2021 Summer Bridge Award of Excellence at the closing ceremony. On left, is Chad Davis, ECE instructor, and far right, Chris Dalton, AME associate professor. This summer, 48 incoming freshmen coming from Oklahoma, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nevada and Texas graduated from the AT&T Summer Bridge Program in the Gallogly College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. The four-week on-campus program was designed to prepare students entering an OU engineering program for the academic rigor of engineering coursework. Sponsored by AT&T and Dolese, students worked in teams to design and build miniature robotic vehicles. The students applied various skills and concepts of engineering to their designs. They also practiced effective communication, prioritization and presentation skills alongside teammates. After a month of complicated engin...