TAP-YTL: A Transportation Experience in Germany - May 22-30, 2011

S. Gizem Aydin, a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Industrial Engineering at The University of Oklahoma, was one of 12 individuals selected to participate in the Translatlantic Program-Young Technology Leaders. Aydin’s strong background in transportation, specifically freight transport and her basic knowledge of the German language, made her a good candidate for the program.

The group was comprised of both students and supply chain professionals, all of them sharing an interest in transportation. They enjoyed discussing differences and similarities in transportation systems in the United States and Germany.

The delegation started in Frankfurt, traveled to Hamburg, Berlin, Duisburg, Leipzig and Karlsruhe, visiting state-of-the-practice transportation/logistics facilities along the way. They met with universities and state agencies.

The group visited the Bundesnetzagentur, the German regulatory agency for utilities, telecommunications and transportation. Staff members of the Bundesnetzagentur fielded many questions from the group ranging from policy and regulations to how they respond to various freight and passenger transportation challenges.

As an industrial engineer, Aydin looks forward to contributing to the transportation arena, helping to improve and streamline processes so both people and freight can flow more efficiently. This summer, she is working on a project at the Kuehne Logistics University in Hamburg. Aydin expects to complete her Ph.D. program at OU in May 2012.

TAP-YTL 2011 Logistics and Transportation

The Transatlantic Program-Young Technology Leaders is organized by the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest (GACCoM) with the financial support of
the German Federal Ministry of
Economics and Technology (BMWi).

Twelve individuals were selected to participate in an intensive eight-day delegation trip to Germany. The program included the following modules and visits to cutting-edge logistics and transportation hotspots:

- Frankfurt Airport: intermodal hub models, sustainable airport expansion and freight and logistics centers

- Hamburg: diverse port operations

- Berlin: passenger rail transport and logistics concepts

- Innovative supply chain solutions and state-of-the art, multipurpose logistics facilities

- Transportation politics and policies

- Exclusive access to top industry experts and operation sites

TAP-YTL encourages colleges and universities whose students are selected to participate in the program to offer course credits for the intensive eight-day program. There are between 30-35 hours of German language exposure and learning within the assigned field, which can include Logistics & Transportation, Sustainable Architecture and Urban Planning, and Water Management are provided throughout the trip. This is a specialized professional development program that will enhance the participant’s knowledge about the field of focus while also promoting the participant’s understanding of German culture.

To learn more, visit http://www.transatlanticprogram.org/

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