OU Radar Team Developing New Technologies for U.S. Navy Next-Generation Radar Systems
Nathan Goodman A University of Oklahoma Advanced Radar Research Center team is developing new antenna and related technologies for U.S. Navy next-generation radar systems with a two-year, $3.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research. The ARRC research and development program under way is designed to improve the agility and multi-functionality of radio frequency sensors and communication systems, while enabling future implementation on a variety of surfaces and platforms. “The ARRC team is developing agile sensors that can effectively maneuver in frequency and space while retaining the ability to avoid and cancel interference,” said Nathan Goodman, director of research at the ARRC and professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Gallogly College of Engineering. “Multi-function capability will also reduce the number of individual systems needed during deployment, improving mobility and operational agility. Our tunable, integra...