Gallogly College Graduate Students Advance in OU Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition

From left: Lin Guo, First Place, ISE Ph.D. Student; Patrick McKernan, Runner-Up, SBME Ph.D. Student; and Bhagyashree Waghule, Runner-Up, AME Ph.D. Student Four graduate engineering students participated in the annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT®), a research communication competition developed by The University of Australia and held at more than 200 universities worldwide. Competitors are tasked with presenting their master’s or doctoral research in three minutes, conveying the major research points in an interesting and concise manner. The 3MT® at OU began with preliminary competitions Jan. 29 through Feb. 1, at which time ten students were selected to advance to the final competition Feb. 23. Among the ten finalists were – Lin Guo (advisors Drs. Farrokh Mistree and Janet Allen) and Saptarshi Mandal (advisor Dr. Ziho Kang) from the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Byagyashree Waghule (advisor Dr. David Miller) from the School of Aerospace and Mechanic...