OU Provides NSF Undergraduate Research Experience in Structural Biology for University Students Nationwide

--> Hunter Glover, University of Oklahoma The National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Program in Structural Biology at the University of Oklahoma provides a research experience for students who do not have a program available to them at their institutions. After completing a nine-week summer program on structural biology research, 10 students from universities across the nation presented research results during the Second Annual Curiosity to Creativity Summer Symposium on July 27, 2017, at the Stephenson Research and Technology Center on the OU Research Campus. “The REU students have really worked hard on their projects, and they have made good progress. We have ‘working lunches’ once a week and during these lunches, the students gain practice at presenting their work orally. Through these meetings, it has become abundantly clear that the students are fully engaged in their research projects and are enjoying this experience,” said OU Pr...