
Showing posts from July, 2007

CoE Dean Appointed To Army Science Board

Thomas Landers, dean of the College of Engineering, was recently appointed to the Army Science Board, a federal advisory committee that advises the secretary of the Army, the chief of staff of the Army, the assistant secretary of the Army for Acquisition Logistics and Technology, and major Army commanders on a wide variety of scientific and technology matters. The Army Science Board is composed of distinguished individuals from the private sector, academia and non-Department of Defense government agencies to ensure that diverse disciplines and points of view are represented. The broad mission of the board, which was chartered in 1977, enables it to obtain the expertise and counsel essential to the successful conduct of the Army’s acquisition, logistics and technology programs.   Members participate in study groups on topics of high priority to the Army. Each study is of one to two years in duration. Landers has served the OU College of Engineering as dean and AT&T Chair since O...