Penner Receives $1,000 WiRED Scholarship Award

Rachel Penner is a junior from Albuquerque, New Mexico, majoring in engineering physics with a specialization in aerospace. When she read about the Women in Research and Engineering Development scholarship in the Women of Aeronautics and Astronautics monthly newsletter, she decided to apply. 

Upon notification that she was awarded the $1,000 WiRED scholarship from Emergent Space Technologies, she felt honored. 

"I think it's great that Emergent Space Technologies is supporting young women engineers in a field that is traditionally so male-dominated," Penner said.

Penner has always been fascinated by aerospace, particularly outer space and space exploration. She chose to major in Engineering Physics with an aerospace engineering specialization to better understand the fundamental physical principles behind practical applications of aerospace engineering. She would love to someday work on a project to further crewed spaceflight to Mars and beyond. 

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